Essential Docker CLI Commands You Need to Know
docker --version
To get the docker version
docker pull <image_name>
To Download container image from container registry
Container Registry -
e.g. docker pull ubuntu
docker images
Get the list of container images in local machine
docker run <image_name>
To create and execute a container based on the image name.
If the image is not downloaded it will first pull and then execute the container
docker ps
Get the list of active/running containers in the local machine
List is shown empty as there is no active containers so containers go into exit state immediately.
docker ps -a
Get the list of active/running as well as inactive/stopped containers in local machine.
Modes of Container Execution
Foreground/Attached Mode
It is a default mode of execution
It runs the container by consuming the terminal
The terminal will be released, only when the container goes to exit state
Background/Detached Mode
The terminal is accessible while running the container is background/detached mode.
docker run -d <image_name>
Interactive Mode
To run and login to the container
docker run -it <image_name>
docker start <container_id>
To start the container
docker exec -it <container_id> bash
Login to the running container
docker stop <container_id>
Stop the container
docker rm <container_id>
Remove the container from the local machine
docker rm -f <container_id>
Force - Remove the Container from Local Machine
When container is in running state, we are not able to delete the container using just
command so we need to userm -f
to forcefully delete the container.
docker rmi <image_name>
Remove the container image from local machine.
When removing container, if there is any container running using that container image then error will be shown, so we need to first delete those container then remove the container image.
docker rmi -f <image_name>
Force - Remove the container image from local machine.
As said, When removing container, if there is any container running using that container image then error will be shown, so we can forcefully remove the image using this command.
This is not the best practice