Exploring Docker Concepts: Volumes, Consumption, and Swarm Explained

Docker Volume

  • Used to maintain the persistent data

Types of Applications on Container Perspective :

  • Stateless Applications

  • Stateful Applications

docker volume create <volume_name>

  • Create a Docker Volume in Host Machine

docker volume list

  • To get the list of volumes

docker volume inspect <volume_name>

  • Get the properties of created volume

docker run -it --mount <source=volume>name>,<destination=destination_location> <container_image> bash

  • To mount the volume to the required location

Container Orchestration

Overview of Docker Compose

  • Is used to run the multiple containers as a service

  • Docker compose is the default package of container engine

  • Docker compose is an extension/plugins to docker

Steps to run multiple container as a service

Docker Swarm

  • Docker swarm is one of the Container orchestration tool

  • It is meant only for docker containers

  • Used to ensure high availability of the containers by creating Replicas of containers

  • We cannot to Auto scaling and load balancing